Holidays seem to have one social event after another that all involve eating. These suggestions can help especially if you don’t eat certain foods due to an allergy or intolerance. If you want to be successful in your continued pursuit of eating optimally, try out these tips. Eat a small meal at home before going… Read More“
Want to Stay Healthy – Eat With Your Family
It is important as the air we breathe – the feeling of belonging. Whether you are in a traditional family or a blended family of selected individuals, we all want to belong to a family unit. It is in our nature to want to be loved, feel a sense of security and belong to something… Read More“
Carob Coconut Delight
Carob is naturally sweet and a good chocolate substitute. Carob Coconut Delight Recipe type: Dessert Cuisine: Fruits Prep time: 15 mins Total time: 15 mins Print Ingredients 1 cup of carob powder ¾ cup of coconut oil ½ cup of shredded coconut ¼ cup of fresh or dried berries like cranberry, goji… Read More“
Black Bean Hummus
Quick and easy to make black bean dip will delight every one for an appetizer, snack or a side dish. Black Bean Hummus Recipe type: Appetizer Cuisine: Protein Prep time: 10 mins Total time: 10 mins Print Ingredients 1 can of organic black beans 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1-2 cloves of… Read More“
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can is an amazing food. It can be used for so many things! You can cook with it and not only does it taste delicious, it has astounding health benefits! Coconut oil is great for use in a shower. It is a great cleanser as well as a moisturizer. You can also keep… Read More“