Welcome to Your Health Unbound! It is apt that this relaunch begins on a day of renewal and hope. Your Health Unbound is dedicated to helping you take control of your life by discovering the root cause of your health issues and advocating for your own health.
My site has gone through growing pains and had setbacks along the way. Of course, we never expected it to take as long as it did, but isn’t that always the way. The redesign of the of site focuses squarely on my main passion. As an Integrative Health and Nutrition Coach, I am passionate about people getting the best quality of health care to lead the most vital life possible.
For those who feel disempowered in a world of confusing medical jargon, media hype on drug effectiveness and misleading (to say the least) information, I am here to advocate for you when traversing through medical maze trying to find out why you just don’t feel well. It can make you feel totally disempowered when your doctor makes a diagnosis without an explanation and then writes a prescription about a medicine you know nothing about.
This only gets compounded when you have a serious health issue and have to see multiple doctors – specialists, in most cases, to find out what’s wrong. The trouble with seeing all these specialists is that they know a lot about their field, and may be experts in that medical specialty, but they may know little about any other areas. Most doctors go into medicine to help people and are truly caring. The problem is that the healthcare system is broken. We live in a disease-care model. Once you are sick, the medical providers are all about diagnosing that specific symptom so that they can provide the best remedy – most likely a prescription. But do the pills help? Maybe, sometimes.
But why is that? It may be that there are multiple issues at work causing you to feel the way that are now. But at the root of most health issues is the medicine we take every day – generally three times a day.
Food. Is. Medicine.
That’s right. You’ve heard it before. Hippocrates said centuries ago:
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
How can something so simple make such a difference? Because everything we eat becomes part of us. The food we digest make our cells, our blood, our bones. If we are not fueling our bodies with the food that will make us grow healthy cells, healthy blood, healthy bones, then we will fall ill. This usually starts out as some sort of inflammation. Our joints ache, we feel run down, we lose the zest for live and so much more. I know this to be true because I lived it.
Think of your body like a car. Just as it needs clean oil to function and proper gasoline to keep it running, your body requires certain forms of nutrition to keep it running well. Everything else only serves to clog, slow down and reduce your performance. You wouldn’t put diesel fuel in a car that runs on gas! Yet we eat foods that are not fueling our bodies efficiently. Do that long enough and your performance will be affected.
There is so much conflicting information on the Internet. It’s all pretty simple when you break down the science. We need real, whole foods to power our bodies to work optimally. Many sites have it right. And I think that’s great. The more that this knowledge is spread throughout the nation, the sooner people can heal. But there is so much more that needs to be done before we get there.
As consumers, we need to demand that our food be free of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. We need to advocate for what is best for us, for our families and for the world. It’s not going to happen without a grassroots movement towards healthier choices. Vote you’re your pocketbooks. When as consumers we have made demands of the food industry, they have responded. We wanted to spend our dollars on gluten-free food, major companies came out with gluten-free products. That’s great from a response to consumer request but the need is more than that.
We must actively let our grocers, our local food suppliers and major food corporations that we are tired of eating food that makes us sick. Gluten-free foods only swapped out one type of carbohydrate for another. Most of these mainstream products are still overly processed and have many added ingredients that are suspicious as to the effect it could have in the long-term on our health. It’s time to revert back to the food that sustained people for centuries – living off the food that was produced locally on the land that the farmer lovingly tended without harmful pesticides or anything that was unnatural.
Until we make a stand, as a nation, that we don’t want to be treated like the cattle who are fed antibiotics and injected with hormones that affect our own hormones. Because when we eat the meat of these animals and drink their milk we are consuming what they ate.
It’s an important issue and one that needs to be brought to light in this Presidential election. Do you think our candidates eat anything less that organic food? I suggest that these politicians be ask point blank, what type of food they eat. Do they consume GMOs, conventionally raised animal products and milk with the hormone rGBH? It’s not enough to fend for your own family but to combine forces as consumers all over the nation and DEMAND the halt of these unhealthy practices.
Moreover, we need to stop funding the large agriculture commercial farms that get subsidies from the government to grow food that is not beneficial to our health. We need to urge our Congress to support the small organic farmer so that our supplies of organic foods are plentiful and affordable. Subsidies for large business only fatten their pocketbooks and don’t do one iota for the quality of the food we buy.
If you want to engage in a group discussion on changing the way our food industry need to change, how to improve your health in the current food climate and speak freely without judgment, please join my Facebook group. Let’s rally together and come up with solutions and alternatives that not only improve the quality of our food but the quality of our health. Remember the most important point:
Food Is Medicine. Take only the highest quality medicine every day and reap health rewards in the process.
Want to continue this discussion? Post your response below and let’s make a difference in our world in our lifetime. Let’s start a #RealFoodRevolution!