Eating real food supplies our bodies with the right amounts of nutrients we need. If you aren’t eating these foods now, you should start. Begin eating all fresh, organic foods to give your body the extra defense against illness and disease that nature can provide. Here are just five foods you could eat every day to help boost your health.
- Apples
We’ve all heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Quercetin, a flavonoid which is also found in the skin of red onions, reduces the risk of allergies, heart attack, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and prostate and lung cancers. Red Delicious apples have the highest levels of antioxidants. - Olive Oil
Extra-virgin olive oil has healthy monounsaturated fats that reduce inflammation. Using just two tablespoons a day will provide that extra anti-inflammatory benefit just as well as ibuprofen.
- Eggs
Eggs are the prefect food. They white provides a great source of protein
and satiating fat content inthe yolk. The amount of cholesterol in the yolk is outweighed by the benefits of the nutrients and minerals it provides. Eggs are nutrient dense and provide necessary vitamins for brain function.
- Tomatoes
Unlike many fruits that are best when eaten raw, tomatoes provide the
most benefit when cooked. Their lycopene content helps protect against
degenerative diseases. - Cinnamon
Rich in antioxidants, cinnamon is a versatile spice that can sweeten some dishes and provide a savory tone to others. Studies suggest it may help stabilize blood sugar, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.