Reset Your Body In Under Two Weeks To Have More Energy Than You’ve Had In The Last 2 Years
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired but you don’t know where to start to get better?Are you on several medications, have chronic health issues, feel like you’re aging all too quickly? All these things are sapping your strength. The chemicals in many medications may cause side effects and wreak havoc on your body. As a result, your body stays in recovery mode but never really gets better.
Plus, all of the food sensitivities that the many develop without even realizing it can really mess with your system!
You already know that eating healthy would certainly help but every time you try to diet or change your eating habits it’s been really hard to stick to them.
One or all of these roadblocks may have been what kept you from making a change in the past:
- Constant cravings that keep you going back to the same unhealthy foods.
- Not knowing how to, or not having time to prepare healthy meals.
- Medications sometimes rob you of vital nutrients and you wonder “what’s the point” of trying to eat healthier if you’re not getting the nutrients anyway.
One of the biggest reasons that lifestyle and diet goals fail is because they’re too “permanent”
What do I mean by that?
Well when you make a long term commitment, when you slip up it feels like you’re starting all the way back at square one – even if you’ve only been at it for a week, starting over can feel like too much work.
Of course, you want your lifestyle changes to be permanent, but making a sudden change cold turkey can be overwhelming.
Wouldn’t it feel so much easier to just commit to making a change for 12 days?
In this program, 12 days is all you need to begin seeing results. You will:
Learn to set realistic goals for yourself
- Eliminate your cravings
- Identify food sensitivities or addictions
- Increase your energy level
- Decrease inflammation
- Develop healthy habits
- Begin to lose weight
Once you begin seeing and feeling results, keeping up with your new lifestyle becomes easier. You won’t want to quit!
So how can you do this in 12 days?
When you start the program you’ll be given a nutrition plan with various options that you can incorporate into your diet right away. Each day you’ll be given a new resource that will teach you how to take better care of your body and incorporate healthy eating into your every day lifestyle. Like building blocks, you will add just one piece at a time and won’t be overwhelmed with trying to make a drastic change all at once.
You will learn things like:
- What foods help replenish your body, and which make you feel depleted.
- How to reduce inflammation and stress with the right nutrition.
- What foods will help you burn fat and increase your energy.
All of these will help you detoxify your body, get rid of cravings, and embark on your new healthy lifestyle.
Detoxification has become kind of a buzz word in the health industry. Literally it means to rid the body of toxic substances. But it can be so much more. In simple terms, it’s setting the body back on the right path to health. Simple lifestyle changes form the basis of healthy habits for a lifetime.
This is program is not about deprivation or juice fasts. It’s about starting with small practices that influence your thought patterns to change your life for the better. When you change how think about food and the way you’re eating you will change the way you live. Your life will improve as you support your body with healthier food choices, movement for your overall body and simple changes to promote a healthy mindset and lifestyle.
As in all of my programs, this detox addresses your whole health picture. Food, exercise, rest, balance and so much more are covered in the all-natural detox. And this will form the basis for healthy living that you can incorporate into your lifestyle permanently.
Here’s what you get in the Whole Body Reset:
- Materials to introduce you the topic of the day
- Daily activity page to record your thoughts and results
- Visualizations to support rest and balance
- Nutritious and delicious recipes
- Bonus nutritional material
- Lifestyle tips
- Information on supplementation that supports detoxification
- Private Facebook community for support
Are you ready? In 12 days you could be looking at a whole new you with more energy than you’ve had in the last two years. And at the lowest pricing ever!