For people who care about improving their health and that of their loved ones essential oils provide simple, safe and empowering solutions that enhance well-being.
I live a natural lifestyle without chemicals or artificial ingredients in my food, drinks or anything that goes in or on my body. But I didn’t always live that way. Before I discovered natural solutions I was very sick and quite unhealthy. Traditional methods didn’t work for me.
I wanted to find natural solutions for everyday situations both for myself, my family and my clients.
As a certified Nutritional Therapist, I know that toxic substances, both in food and in our environment, create havoc in our bodies. I avoid toxins as much as possible but when I can’t I have support of my essential oils.
In my practice, I use a metabolic blend of oils to help clients with detoxification when they have liver or bowel problems. Using a digestive blend helps clients with poor digestion. Not only can essential oils address physical issues, it can also help with mental balance.
Using natural products empowers people to learn to help themselves without resorting to chemical-based solutions. All of my clients who start using essential oils stay with them.
I’ve replaced the synthetic-based agents in my medicine cabinet for natural products.Not only do my essential oils replace many of the overpriced and potentially harmful ingredients in traditional medicines or supplements but they are safe to use internally and externally for myself, my grandchildren and my dogs.
I’ve cleared out my cleaning cabinet and substituted essential oils and natural products.
Getting rid of chemical-based cleaners in my house makes me more comfortable with grandchildren around. There’s no worry that they will find harmful agents that can potentially hurt them. Having Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils makes me feel confident that I am using the best products money can buy.

Are you ready for Natural Solutions in your life?
Sign up for the free Essential Oils for Beginners guide to learn more about essential oils. You can also schedule an appointment with me to discuss how essential oils can transform your health and well-being.
Essential Oils for Beginners
Learn the basics about essential oils with the free eBook
- What are essential oils?
- Why use essential oils?
- How do I use essential oils?
- Are essential oils safe?
Get your answers in this free download and then get the purest essential oils available. Click on the link to start your journey to natural wellness.

“Just letting you know I’ve had an upset stomach all day today. I remembered around 1:15 pm that I had DigestZen essential oil blend. I usually use it for migraines since I’m always nauseated when I have one, but realized I could use it now. Like usual it makes me feel better in a matter of minutes.”
Brian Lane, Software Developer