Whipped Body Butter
Recipe type: Beauty
  1. Measure all butters and oils in glass jar.
  2. Fill a large skillet/saucepan with 1-1.5 inches of water. Bring to a boil.
  3. Once boiling, add the glass jar to the center of the saucepan to melt and combine ingredients.
  4. Stir every few minutes until the ingredients are melted and combined. (10-15 minutes).Tip: Use a Popsicle stick to stir for easy cleanup.
  5. Once everything is melted, remove from heat and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Add desired essential oils.
  7. Once essential oils are added, let it rest in a cool place (such as the refrigerator) until it has set.
  8. Once chilled, take out of refrigerator.
  9. With a stand or hand mixer, start on low and slowly turn the speed higher until the lotion becomes light and fluffy (around 3-5 minutes).
  10. You’re done! Store mixture in a glass jar and keep in a cool place.
Recipe by Angela Atkins at https://yourhealthunbound.com/diy-whipped-body-butter/